Minggu, 04 September 2011


Sometimes, I think that I still have hope. but now I know that expectations are not always bring certainty. when I was liking a guy, my time runs out just to think about him, think whether he have the same feelings with me? when you mock me, i smile, every you do not care about me I'm still smiling, but after a long time I was too tired to pretend to smile. too often hurt. I am a girl who liking a man. is not that weird? and now I know, that there is no point in expecting too much. it hurts. better all off this are never happens, we remain a friend, and it's all better than they are today. so I decided to stop liking you, and think of you. I gave up. thanks for all the sweet memories that you create. that things will never be forgotten.

"Hoping is good, but hoping for something uncertain would just make us more hurt."

Senin, 25 Juli 2011

whatever #partthree

okey, im come back with my lifestory, for the third time i want to tell you about my school activity. ergh, evrything is make me crazier. gila aja ya, osis rapat tiap hari yaowoo, tp itung" latian buat jd bos deh ya, nanti kan klo jd bos sering rapat. trus kmrn" gua nge mos anak" gtu. waaa, gua cukup bingung, apa kah gua yg weird ato mereka yg freak. gua uda marah" tp masih di bilang ga galak, mati aja, gua uda treak" pd kaga berasa swt. but but but evrythings is gonna be okay, mos nya sukses meskipun selama 3 hr marah" terus, ckck. dan, you know what?! sedih banget gilaa, gua pindah kelas dan harus berpisah dengan teman" tercinta gua di kelas #.2 waaa, madesu gua di kelas yg baru, malah msh ada setaon lg, huhuuu, menyedihkan, but but but i try to do my best and never try to give up. just let it flow lah yaa. HAHAHA. sok pinter banget gua di sini, tp yaudalahya. who cares hah? ckck. dan, skrg KBM udah di mulai, helooo? catherine ga punya semangat yg cukup. ah, alias males ckck. gua bingung mau cerita apa lagi. maklum lah, gua tau gua ga kreatif, cuma ini g udah memaksakan kekreatifan gua, dan hasilnya cuma segini. gapapa deh yaa. hahaha.

Rabu, 06 Juli 2011

whatever #parttwo

hei blogereaders, gue mau cerita lagi nih. buset deh. sekolah bikin repot banget. kaya yg kita semua tau, bentar lagi kan tahun ajaran baru, jadi ada penerimaan siswa baru gitu deh, trus ada yang namanya MOS. okey, skrg gue jd panitia nya. asik juga sih bisa nge mos orang, tapi repot nya ga nahan euy ._. ribet bener, baru rancangan nya aja ribet, semoga aja mos ya berjalan lancar. hehehe. oiya, sekalian cerita liburan gue deh biar panjang. sekarang ini gue lagi "menikmati" masa liburan. helooo, menikmati apanya hah? gue bedebu di rumah karena ga di ajak pergi, boseeeeeeennn banget. kerjaan nya cuma tidur, bangun, makan, nonton, online, makan, tidur, yah ama melakukan aktivitas di wc deh. ampun ya, ini liburan 1 bulan kurang lamaa. gue ga ada acara apa" dan akhirnya cuma mendep di rumah. syalalaalalaaaa. kalo pegi" mulu duit pasti abis, tp mw ke mana lagi? ckck. no idea . temen" gue enak sekali, ada yg ke singapore, bali, huhuhu gue cuma di istana megah tercinta gue. tapi ya syukuri keadaan aja deh hehe dan di liburan ini gue juga seneng banget nimbun lemak, alias makan. ( sebenernya sih sblm liburan jg suka makan, tapi pas liburan jd lbh parah) apa lagi di tambah dengan ga ada nya kerjaan, ajdi abis makan lgsg tidur. mantap ga tuh? jadi kebo dehh. yeyy. malah sekarang dunia kaya ga ada penghuninya, fb sepi , twitter sepi, ke mana hey kaian para makhluk hidup? lama" gue ga ada hiburan nih, ckck. udah dulu deh ceritanya. biasa, penyakit ga kreatifnya kambuh. hahaha. see you to the next post ! btw, makasih banget loh udah mau baca posting yg bener" ga penting ini. hahaha babayy

Senin, 27 Juni 2011


majuu, serukan nama Yesus
bangkit, nyatakan kuasanyaa
kita buat iblis gemetar
kalahkan tipu dayanya
dengan kuasa nama-Nya

Reff :
nama Yesus, menara yang kuat
nama Yesus, kota benteng yang teguh
nama Yesus, kalahkan semua musuh
nama Yesus, di atas segalanya.

Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

w h a t e v e r #partone

alohaa. come back ! crita" aja nih yaa. klo critanya norak ya udah lah ya. who cares? klo mau baca silahkan, ga mau ya bodo amat. gue mau critain ttg acara yg di adain di sekolah gue. classmeet udah selesai lohh, tu acara bner" bkin repot gue dan temen gue. cuma 2 hari pdhl tp bkin repot setengah mati. malah ketua osis kyk lepas tangan lg. ampun deh. but its okayy. itung" iseng (iseng dr mn coba? cape begitu) kelas gue hebat loh. udah gue blg, klo kelas gue jago dalam hal olahraga,kerjasama, solidaritas kelas gue jg tinggi. tp klo masalah teori atau hal" yg berbau kecerdasan, ya mending ga usah di bahas deh ._. dr 4 lomba. basket pasti menang, futsal sudah amat pasti bakal menang, kasti hahahah ada gue mah pasti menang. wkwkwk. klo futsal putri emg ga menang sih, gue ama yg laen emg ga bisa klo itu, lagian seharusnya bukan gue dkk yg maen futsal, tp ada lah sekelompok geng cewe yg udah di suruh futsal tp sok malu". ya sutralah yaa, toh udah lewat. so, dr 4 pertandingan kita dpt 3 hadiah dan piagam, dan ga tanggung" semuanya juara 1. hahaha. setidaknya kelas gue bisa bikin bangga wali kelasnya. dan ga lupa classmeet ini sangat membawa berkah buat gue, banyak miracle gitu deh. wahaha. tapiiiii semua ini blm selesai. ini baru yang acara classmeet, blm yang prom night. apa itu prom night? norak lu ga tau ! prom night ituu acara perpisahan buat kelas 9, kan abis lulus"an tuh mereka, jd kya pelepasan gtu. yang g bingung adalah kata salah satu temen gue, acara prom night itu harusnya ada dansa" segala macem, g cukup setuju dengan hal itu, tp yang ada di sekolah gue adalahhh papua dance, puisi, kuda lumping malah. g jg bingung akan hal ini. tp yaudalahya. who cares? ckck prom night ini jg bkin sibuk (sebenernya sih repot ._. ) anak kelas 7 dan 8, soalnya mreka yg isi acara. besok promnight nya di laksanakan. smoga aja sukses. amin. sampe sini dulu deh, sampe ktemu di crita aneh selanjutnyaa ;;) *oke, akhirannya gantung ga kira kira, tp yaudalah ya, who cares?*


it's about homework

it's about my backpack

but it's about make a friendship too

and love

this is me at school :p

Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

DO THIS ONE . \(‾^‾ \ )

==> Saat kita menghadapi situasi yang tidak menyenagkan , alangkah baiknya jika kita :

*Tetap bersyukur
*Tidak berpikir negative
*Jangan menyalahkan orang lain
*Hadapi dengan iman dalam Yesus
*Bersukacita lah senantiasa

==> The point is : ingett , Tuhan Yesus ga pernah meninggalkan kita dalam situasi apapun. karena itu biarlah kita juga tidak meninggalkan Dia dalam situasi apapun.

Senin, 06 Juni 2011

TIPS (•̯ . •̯)

hello blogreaderss. gue nemu beberapa tips nih di buku gue. gue share yahh.

*Tips menjadi pemenang :
-jangan males untuk belajar
-jangan takut melakukan suatu hal yg baru (hal positif ya)
-jangan putus asa ketika di remehkan
-berani jadi beda

*Tips membuat hidup berhsil :
- jangan kuatir untuk mengahdapi sesuatu yang baru
-berani keluar dr comfort zone (zona aman, coba level yg lbh tinggi)
-jangan cepat menyerah
-tetap belajar
-ada iman

*Tips untuk selalu bersukacita :
-jangan membiarkan masalah menjajah kita, kalahkan masalah itu
-berbuatlah baik terhadap semua orang
-nikmatilah semua yang kita kerjakan

nahh, ada 1 kata yang selalu ada di setiap tips. kata itu adalah DOA. gue tari kata itu di yang paling terakhir karenaa tanpa DOA semua yang kita lakuin ga bakal ada apa" nya. jadi TIPS untuk segala sesuatu sebenernya cuma 2 yaitu : BERDOA DAN BERUSAHA .

Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011


my wrongness :
1. sometimes i think about you, and i shouldn't do that. so it was one of my wrongness.
2. i'm doing the wrong thing in front of you and it always make me ashamed.
3. I have always fantasized about you, and I know you're only in my dreams. it's wrong

and now i know that i was fall in a wrong feeling, and a wrong person. and it was you Mr.J

Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

"STOP!" but I can't. :|

pernah ga si lu bertingkah aneh di depan orang yang lu sukain? waaa. itu mah gue banget. bukan ga pernah, tapi gue yang selalu kena malu. gue anaknya emang hyper, tp masih dalam standard kok (semoga aja begitu) semua temen" gue udah bilang, "trin ! stop bertingkah aneh" gue denger dan gue tau, tapi reflek gue pasti bertingkah aneh, dan setiap gue bertingkah aneh, dia pasti liat ! mati aja lu. pas gue lagi gaya" autis, joget", manggut", gaya monyet, tablo, keliatn semua men. aib gue kebongkar semua. sumpah itu bikin malu. tapi ya apa boleh buat? inilah gue. dan gue bangga.
hoyaa, biar blog ini rame gue cerita hal" yg ga penting juga aja yaa. bentar lg sekolah gue bakal ngadain banyak acara, dan gueee yang harusnya cuma jadi embel" OSIS jadi ikutan repot. bentar lg ada acara classmeeting, olahraga gitu dehh. paling gue cuma nampang nanti. ada 3 lomba. and you know what? gue harus mempermalukan diri gue sekali lagi dengan cara berjualan makanan dan minuman di acara itu. lalala. semua gue lakukan tanpa dapet gaji, dan berkah apapun dr sekolah. tp yaudalah ya, luamayan sih buat eksis. ampe saat ini hal yang 1 itu belom beres. di lanjut oleh kerepotan ke 2. skrg kan lg musim lulus"an nih, kelas 9 ngadain prom night gitu dehh. dan akhirnya gue jadi repot juga. gue ikut 2 tampilan buat acara itu, padus ama marching band. tinggal beberapa hari lagi dan semua itu bener" blm beres. mati aja. tp LUMAYAN lagi sih buat nampang eksis. tp kalo di pikir" hal ini jg kaya mempermalukan diri gue. tp gpp lah. berkorban demi kanaan. *gombal* uda ah. kepanjangan nih g rasa. dan crita ini ga penting. niat sebenernya sih cuma pengen menuh"in blog aja. wkwk. thank you for reading yaa. udah selese nih.



Rabu, 01 Juni 2011

► Jadi seperti Mu





This is things that i do .

i'll waiting of you

i'm still waiting,
but you're not coming,
you know what?
i'm not okay,
and i wish you knew

this is what i'm feeling,
Mr. J

Senin, 16 Mei 2011


saat seseorang menghadapi masalah, kita bisa tau apa sifat orang itu. simple aja sih. gini caranya :

1. orang yang PEMALU akan takut SEBELUM bahaya datang.
2. orang yang PENGECUT akan takut KETIKA bahaya datang.
3. orang yang PEMBERANI akan takut SETELAH bahaya datang.

nah, coba sekarang lu pikir, lu itu orang seperti apa?
semoga postingan ini bermanfaat :)


Tuhan itu baik banget loh. coba pikir ya, tanpa KASIH-NYA YANG BEGITU BUESAR kita ga bakal jadi kaya gini. bisa hidup berkecukupan, terlahir sempurna, punya keluarga yg super duper the best, dan teman teman yang bantu kita belajar akan dunia ini. kita bisa pinter, punya hikmat, itu dari siapa? Tuhan woy. tanpa Dia kita ga jadi apa apa. tanpa Dia di kayu salib dulu kita ga mungkin hidup men. segitu baik nya Dia di kehidupan kita, tapi apa yang kita lakukan? kita ngikutin DUNIA dan bukan PERINTAH-NYA. kita menjauh dari Tuhan, mementingkan hal dunia dan melupakan Nya. tau ga? Tuhan nangis loh di sana ngeliat kita yang sangat egois. giliran kita di kasih masalah kita "SOK" minta ampun, pas kita udah di bebasin dr masalah tersebut kita malah GA BERSYUKUR dan ngelanjutin hal duniawi. tapi apa yang Tuhan lakukan ampe sekarang? Dia tetep sayang kita men, Dia tetep pelihara kita. kurang bae apa Tuhan kita itu? mati buat kita tapi kita kecewain mulu. so guys, tobat deh. waktu Nya udah deket banget. bersyukur atas semua yg Dia kasih, dan inget Tuhan setiap saat. jangan pas butuh baru inget. haha. thanks to read, enjoy, remember this story and do it on your life. thanks. God bless us always. ☺

Rabu, 11 Mei 2011


☺jangan lah berpikir hidup tak ada PERSOALAN, tapi berpikirlah di balik setiap PERSOALAN, mendatangkan KEBAIKAN
☺nikmatilah HARI INI sebab ESOK belum tentu bisa di nikmati
☺selama masih BERNAFAS, lakukanlah hal yang BERGUNA, sebab jika kita sudah TIDAK BERNAFAS, semua jadi TIDAK BERGUNA
☺saat kita berkata TIDAK BISA kita kehilangan kesempatan untuk BISA
☺menilai orang lain itu BAIK, tapi menilai diri sendiri itu JAUH LEBIH BAIK
☺melakukan kesalahan itu PENGALAMAN, mengulangi kesalahan itu KEBODOHAN
☺kita boleh 1000 kali GAGAL, tapi jangan pernah 1 kali PUTUS ASA
☺menerima sesuatu itu BAIK, tapi memberi sesuatu itu JAUH LEBIH BAIK
☺bersyukur di saat keadaan baik itu BIASA, tapi bersyukur di saat keadaan buruk itu baru LUAR BIASA
☺orang PINTAR itu banyak, tapi orang JUJUR sedikit
☺semua KESUKSESAN di mulai dengan TINDAKAN





because that TOO MUCH 



Ooohhhhhh oh
So easy to forget
All of the little things we do.
Like callin’ for no reason
Just to say the words: “Baby, I love you.”
I know lately (lately)
I’ve been busy (busy)
But a second doesn’t go by without you crossin’ my mind.
It’s been so long (so long)
Since we had time (had time)
Let’s take a day and make everything right
Just take my hand, fall in love with me again
Let’s runaway to the place, where love first found us.
Let’s runaway for the day, don’t need anyone around us.
When everything in love gets so complicated
It only takes a day to change it
What I have to say, can’t wait
All I need is a day,
So let’s runaway.
(Let’s runaway, just for the day)
Girl, you’ve been so patient
Spendin’ nights alone and not complainin’
But I’ll make it up to you
And I promise today
I won’t keep you waitin’. (oh-oh-oh)
Please give me (oh-oh-oh) this one chance
To remind you of everything we have
I won’t give up
I’m too much in love
And I want you to know that.
Just take my hand, fall in love with me again
Let’s runaway to the place, where love first found us.
Let’s runaway for the day, don’t need anyone around us. (oh-oh-oh)
When everything in love gets so complicated
It only takes a day to change it.
What i have to say can’t wait
All i need is a day.
So let’s runaway for the day!
And I’ll give everything in this moment.
And I promise to make, everyday just like today
Let’s runaway to the place, where love first found us.
Let’s runaway for the day, don’t need anyone around us. (oh-oh-oh)
When everything in love gets so complicated
It only takes a day to change it.
What I have to say can’t wait,
All I need is a day,
So let’s runaway.


Do you know?
when you do this
I TRY to forget you BUT I CAN'T
I TRY to be careless with you BUT I CAN'T
I TRY to stop looking at you BUT I CAN'T
I TRY to stop thinking about you BUT I CAN'T
I TRY to kepp smile when i thinking about you BUT I CAN'T
you know why?
cause i'm really in love with you now.

Sabtu, 30 April 2011


do you know how glad am i when i remember our memories?
now you're different, you be so careless.
what happening with you?
you're get closer to my friends but not also with me.
when you'll looking back at me?
when you'll smiling back at me?
when i'll get closer to you?
i'm too tired to waiting.
i know, i'm nothing for you,
this is my fault to loving you.

Jumat, 29 April 2011


I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away
I want you back
I want you back
My neighbors think
I'm crazy
But they don't understand
You're all I have
You're all I have


At night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself

Talking to the Moon
Trying to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon

I'm feeling like I'm famous
The talk of the town
They say
I've gone mad
I've gone mad
But they don't know
what I know

Cause when the
sun goes down
someone's talking back
They're talking back


At night when the stars
light up my room
I sit by myself
Talking to the Moon
Trying to get to You
In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon

Ahh Ahh,
Ahh Ahh,

Do you ever hear me calling?
Cause every night
I'm talking to the moon
Still trying to get to you

In hopes you're on
the other side
Talking to me too
Or am I a fool
who sits alone
Talking to the moon

I know you're somewhere out there
Somewhere far away

Selasa, 19 April 2011


sebagai manusia, kita pasti pernah merasa tidak berharga, dan tak ada nilainya di dunia ini. tapi ternyata pikiran itu salah besar ! ilustrasi berikut akan menyadarkan kita.

seorang motivator bernama Gary Smalley adalah motivator yang cukup di kenal orang, suatu saat dia berpidato di sebuah aula yang di isi oleh sekitar 10 ribu orang. saat dia bercakap-cakap, ia mengeluarkan uang sebesar 50 ribu dolar dan bertanya, "siapa yang mau uang ini?" tangan-tangan mulai terangkat di mana-mana. Gary berpikir sejenak lalu berkata kembali, "siapa yang masih mau uang ini setelah saya melakukan ini?" lalu ia meremas uang itu dan membuatnya sekusut mungkin. tapi tangan-tangan tetap terangkat di udara. lalu ia menginjak-injak uang itu hingga kumel dan bertanya untuk terakhir kali nya. "siapa yang masih mau uang ini?" dan semua tangan tetap terangkat di udara. "sesungguhnya kalian telah mendapatkan pelajaran berharga." lanjut Gary.

dari ilustrasi di atas kita bisa lihat sekumel-kumel nya uang itu, dan se kusut-kusutnya uang itu, uang itu masih berharga 50 dolar. dalam kehidupan, kita sering kali jatuh, kusut, hancur lebur karena keputusan yang kita buat sendiri, dan setelah itu kita merasa tidak berharga. ingatlah, Tuhan menciptakan kita bukan karena kecelakaan tapi karena kita sudah di rencanakan. dan ingat DI MATA TUHAN KITA BERHARGA.

Jumat, 08 April 2011


Beautiful girls all over the world, I could be chasing
But my time would be wasted, they got nothing on you, baby
Nothing on you, baby
They might say hi, and I might say hey
But you shouldn't worry, about what they say
'Cause they got nothing on you, baby (Yeah)
Nothing on you, baby (N-n-n-nothing on you baby, n-nothing on you)

[Verse 1- B.o.B]
I know you feel where I'm coming from
Regardless of the things in my past that I've done
Most of it really was for the hell of the fun
On a carousel, so around I spun
With no direction, just tryna get some
Tryna chase skirts, living in the summer sun
And so I lost more than I had ever won
And honestly, I ended up with none

[Bridge- Bruno Mars]
It's so much nonsense, it's on my conscience
I'm thinking "maybe I should get it out"
And I don't wanna sound redundant
But I was wondering, if there was something that you wanna know
But never mind that, we should let it go
Cause we don't wanna be a TV episode
And all the bad thoughts, just let ;em go, go, go


[Verse 2- B.o.B]
Hands down, there will never be another one (nope)
I've been around, and I've never seen another one (never)
Because your style, I ain't really got nothin' on (nothing)
And you wild when you ain't got nothin' on? (haha)
Baby you the whole package
Plus you pay your taxes
And you keep it real, while them others stay plastic
You're my Wonder Woman, call me Mr. Fantastic
Stop- now think about it

[Bridge 2- B.o.B.]
I've been to London, I've been to Paris
Even way out there in Tokyo
Back home down in Georgia, to New Orleans
But you always steal the show
And just like that girl, you got me froze
Like a Nintendo 64
If you never knew, well, now you know, know, know


[Bridge 3- B.o.B]
Everywhere I go, I'm always hearing your name
And no matter where I'm at, girl you make me wanna sing
Whether a bus or a plane, or a car, or a train
No other girl's on my brain, and you the one to blame


Yeah (laughing)
And that's just how we do it (laughing)
And I'ma just let this ride
And Bruno Mars


And now, the end is near,
And so I face the final curtain.
My friends, I'll say it clear;
I'll state my case of which I'm certain.

I've lived a life that's full -
I've travelled each and every highway.
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Regrets? I've had a few,
But then again, too few to mention.
I did what I had to do
And saw it through without exemption.

I planned each charted course -
Each careful step along the byway,
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew,
When I bit off more than I could chew,
But through it all, when there was doubt,
I ate it up and spit it out.
I faced it all and I stood tall
And did it my way.

I've loved, I've laughed and cried,
I've had my fill - my share of losing.
But now, as tears subside,
I find it all so amusing.

To think I did all that,
And may I say, not in a shy way -
Oh no. Oh no, not me.
I did it my way.

For what is a man? What has he got?
If not himself - Then he has naught.
To say the things he truly feels
And not the words of one who kneels.
The record shows I took the blows
And did it my way.

Yes, it was my way.


If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you

Find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like 1, 2, 3
I'll be there
And I know when I need it
I can count on you like 4, 3, 2
And you'll be there
'cause that's what friends are supposed to do oh yeah
ooooooh, oooohhh yeah yeah

If you're tossin' and you're turnin
and you just can't fall asleep
I'll sing a song beside you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Every day I will remind you

Find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need

You can count on me like 1, 2, 3
I'll be there
And I know when I need it
I can count on you like 4, 3, 2
And you'll be there
'cause that's what friends are supposed to do oh yeah
ooooooh, oooohhh yeah yeah

You'll always have my shoulder when you cry
I'll never let go
Never say goodbye

Oh, You can count on me like 1, 2, 3
I'll be there
And I know when I need it
I can count on you like 4, 3, 2
And you'll be there
'cause that's what friends are supposed to do oh yeah
ooooooh, oooohhh

You can count on me 'cause I can count on you

Rabu, 06 April 2011

► i'll never let you go

Oohhh noo, ohh noo, ohhh
they say that hate has been sent
so let loose the talk of love
before that, i thought a kiss
baby give me one last hug

theres a dream
that i've been chasing
want so badly for it to be reality
and when you hold my hand
then i understand
that its meant to be

cuz baby when you're with me
its like an angel came by, and took my to heaven
(like you took me to heaven)
cuz when i stare in your eyes
it couldnt be better

so let the music it blast
we gon' do our dance
praise the doubters on
they dont matter at all
cuz this lifes to long
and its much to strong
so baby no for sho'
ill never let you go

i got my favorite girl
not feelin' no pain
(no pain, no pain, no pain)
oh no, dont have a care in the world
why would i, when you are here
theres a moments i've been chasin
and i finally caught it out on this floor

baby, theres no hesitation,
no reservation by taking a chance and more
ohh noo, because

its like an angel came by, and took my to heaven
(like you took me to heaven)
cuz when i stare in your eyes
it couldnt be better
(i dont want to go, no no no)
so let the music it blast
we gon' do our dance
praise the doubters on
they dont matter at all
cuz this lifes to long
and this loves to strong
so baby no for sho'
ill never let you go

its like an angel came by, and took my to heaven
(like you took me to heaven)
cuz when i stare in your eyes
it couldnt be better
(i dont want you to go, no, no, so)

take my hand, lets just dance
watch my feet, follow me
dont be scared, girl im here
if you didnt know, this is loooovee

(so let the music it blast)
(we gon' do our dance)
(praise the doubters on)
(they dont matter at all)
(cuz this lifes to long)
(and its much to strong)
(so baby no for sho')
(ill never let you go)

ill never let you go, gooooo
ill never let you go,

(oh yeah, oh yeah)


ill never let you go,
ohh no, ohh noo, ohhh

Jumat, 01 April 2011


Day after day
Time passed away
And I just can’t get you off my mind
Nobody knows, I hide it inside
I keep on searching but I can’t find

The courage to show to letting you know
I’ve never felt so much love before
[All (Shane lead):]
And once again I’m thinking about
Taking the easy way out

But if I let you go I will never know
What my life would be holding you close to me
Will I ever see you smiling back at me? ( oh yeah)
How will I know
If I let you go?

Night after night I hear myself say
Why can’t this feeling just fade away
There’s no one like you (no one like you)
You speak to my heart (speak to my heart)
It’s such a shame we’re worlds apart

I’m too shy to ask, I’m too proud to lose
But sooner or later I gotta choose
And once again I’m thinking about
Taking the easy way out

But if I let you go I will never know
What my life would be, holding you close to me
Will I ever see you smiling back at me? (oh yeah)
How will I know
If I let you go ?

If I let you go ooooh baby

Once again I’m thinking about
Taking the easy way out
But if I let you go I will never know
What my life would be, holding you close to me
( close to me)
Will I ever see you smiling back at me?
(oh yeah)
How will I know
( if I let you go?)
But if I let you go I will never know
( oh baby)
Will I ever see you smiling back at me?
( oh yeah)
How will I know
if I let you go ..

temann ♡

gue sayang banget ama temen" gue, ada namanya stevie jioe dia temen gue dr kelas 7 jarang abnget kita berantem, ahaha, ada juga namanya sisca, wogh, belieber, unik deh anak nya, wkwk, ada yang kembar, yang 1 namanya vionicca anak nya lucu deh, kaya boneka, seru buat di ajak crita, kembar yang 1 lagi namanya venessa, tingkah lakunya lucu, ekspresinya juga, wkwk, ada yang namanya lita, dia sama rakusnya kaya gue, bawel juga kaya gue, wkwk, ada yang namanya vio, dia lucu gitu, sama bawelnya kaya gue dan lita. kwwk. ada juga yg namanya yoan, behh, alim banget anaknya, ga kaya yg laen, gradakan semua. wahaha. ada juga yg namanya mervi, heboh jayus waras nya sama kaya gue, lucu deh anaknya, trus ada wendy, kadang" nyolotin tp lucu apalagi kalo di godain, wkwk, opel, nah ini anak suka banget berkhayal, aneh juga tingkahnya, tp seru kok, wahaha, ada yuni, dia aneh gitu, tp buat jd temen why not? seru deh mereka. i love you guyss :* sayang kalian. wkwk

MIRACLE ! #partone ♡

heyy, gue jadi kegeeran, pas tau dia lagi ngeliat gue dan gue juga ngeliat dia, otomatis ketemu mata kan? dan secara automatic juga gue langsung buang muka dan berpikir. wow. keajaiban apa ini? dan setiap kejadian" indah gue , gue sebut itu miracle. pertamanya sih kita liat"an sekali 2 kali, tp akhir" ini, behhh, makin sering euy. entah gimana ya, gue kan jadi makin kegeeran. ckck. mungkin aja sih dia ga sengaja, tapi masa kalo ga sengaja kita bisa ketemu mata berkali"? ya kalo emang semua itu ga ada artinya yasudah, tapi ga salah kan kalo gue berharap? :p

Rabu, 30 Maret 2011


The splendor of a King, clothed in majesty
Let all the earth rejoice
All the earth rejoice
He wraps himself in Light, and darkness tries to hide
And trembles at His voice
Trembles at His voice

How great is our God, sing with me
How great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God
Age to age He stands
And time is in His hands
Beginning and the end
Beginning and the end
The Godhead Three in One
Father Spirit Son
The Lion and the Lamb
The Lion and the Lamb
Name above all names
Worthy of our praise
My heart will sing
How great is our God

How great is our God, sing with me
How great is our God, and all will see
How great, how great is our God


Light of the world
You stepped down into darkness
Opened my eyes let me see
Beauty that made this heart adore You
Hope of a life spent with You

Here I am to worship
Here I am to bowdown
Here I am to say that Youre my God

Youre altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me

King of all days
Oh so highly exalted
Glorious in heaven above
Humbly You came to the earth You created
All for loves sake became poor

Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that Youre my God

Youre altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me

Ill never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross

Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that Youre my God

Youre altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me

Minggu, 27 Maret 2011

10 Motivation word ~

☺Before you judge the other, see yourself first .
☺The cure of a problem is PRAY .
☺Never think that you are ugly and bad , because God's making you perfect .
☺You said, "nobody loves me" but God said, "I LOVE YOU" (John 3:16)
☺Doa lebih membutuhkan HATI daripada LIDAH .
☺Berpikirlah positif, sebelum pikiran positif itu menjauhi kita .
☺Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future, so, forgive them !
☺Apa yang tampak indah tidak selalu baik, tapi apa yang baik selalu indah .
☺God's promise never expired before delivered .
☺ When we put our problems in God's hands, He puts His peace in our heart .


Beberapa hari yang lalu aku sakit, sebenarnya hanya demam biasa, tapi ada suatu rasa pusing yang luar biasa menghantui ku. Hal itu terjadi secara tiba" di pagi hari, maka aku pun tidak masuk sekolah. aku pun kembali beristirahat, setelah beberapa jam aku terbangun dan menyadari bahwa aku sudah sembuh. Wow, mukzizat Tuhan nyata pikirku. Setelah itu aku hanya berdiam iri di rumah, berkhayal tentang semua teman" ku, apa yang sedang mereka lakukan dan sebagainya. Waktu terus berlalu, dan aku sangat bosan, lebih baik aku masuk sekolah daripada di rumah berdiam diri. Sekitar pukul 13.40 aku mulai bermain komputer dan membuka internet, seperti hal yang biasa dilakukan anak remaja, aku membuka sebuah situs jaringan sosial yang bernama "twitter" dan "facebook". Sepi sekali di sana, ya, itu semua karena teman" ku masih ada di sekolah. Di dalam hatiku aku berkata, "aku rindu kalian". Waktu terus berlalu, jam dindingku menunjuka pukul 14.15, aku sudah melihat teman" ku membuat post di twitter dan facebook, aku pikir hanya lewat begitu saja, tapi ternyata tidak ! Ketika twitter mulai ramai, aku melihat sebuah post yang di tujukan untuk ku, eh, bertambah satu lagi, lagi lagi dan lagi. Beberapa sms pun mulai masuk ke HP ku, setelah kubaca apa yang mereka tulis aku sangat terharu, di ketikan mereka tertulis, "Cath, td kenapa ga masuk? gue kangen sama lu tau, sakit ya? GWS :*" . Wow, mungkin ini emang norak men, lebay juga, tp 1 hal kita harus tau, temen sangat berarti buat manusia, mereka yang khawatir, mereka yang menghibur, mereka yang bikin kita kesel, tp tanpa mereka hidup kita ga berwarna. Sejak saat itu gue sadar kalo GUE SANGAT SAYANG SEMUA TEMEN - TEMEN GUE ! ♥ you all. :*